Response to Swartz response | Letter

Parroting and re-parroting the same old tired, dried-up, mummified half true, non-true, fossilized talking points of Fox noise is truly worthy of ridicule. Do you have any solutions to your complaints? Any helpful ideas to augment this void in Republican critical thinking abilities?

Meanwhile back at the ranch, no mention is made of Dumb Donald’s one-man crime spree. None. It is the Republican Party that put this Halfwit in office. That would mean your Credibility is hanging by a thread. Denial is not a river in Egypt.

There is mention made of cancel culture, with no specifics. Do you mean the canceling of Liz Cheney? Adam Kinzinger? Or perhaps Jamie Herrera Beutler?

Some good advice: Open your eyes, wake up and correct the traitorous, anti-democratic views of the brain dead in your dysfunctional party. None of the problems you mentioned in your letter can be mitigated or solved unless and until you fix your own party’s ignorant ways. San Juan County Republican chair, you have your work cut out for you…

Michael P Herko

Friday Harbor