Reject Destination Management Plan | Letter

Hello Council members,

I emphatically encourage you to reject this plan.

It’s hard to believe that this is a serious proposal though it’s clear much Staff time and probably significant consulting costs have been spent on it.

Maybe I’m naive in thinking your job is to serve the citizens of the county. It appears that the citizens are expected to fund the recreation and convenience of visitors, as well as subsidizing those who profit from tourism, an influential and powerful lobby group.

Tourism continually increases. Anyone who’s lived here more than a couple of years can see, and probably laments, the growing crowds and their impact. Spending taxpayer money to promote and cater to increasing tourism is wasteful and a disservice to our citizens. Tourism will continue to increase on its own. This place sells itself, not to mention the favorable and significant press coverage we “ benefit “ from every year.

My monthly cost for property taxes is more than my mortgage was when my house was built. I’m sure there are better ways to spend to improve the county. Or, reduce spending. Why spend to accelerate the degradation of the qualities that make living here so pleasant? It’s going to happen anyway.


Steve Hudson

PS: I tried to submit this through the comment part of the online plan. I couldn’t because the mandatory registration failed five times when I tried to enter the zip code. Mandatory registration probably suppresses public comment anyway. Maybe the deadline for public comment should be extended.