Operation Christmas Child – it takes a team | Letter

Thousands of children will soon be receiving Christmas shoebox gifts from Operation Christmas Child. Team members of Mary Martha Circle at the Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church shop and craft for months to provide exciting, fun and useful items to fill 40 boxes suitable for the youngest and oldest boys. Some of these items are generously donated by shoppers and crafters. A team member from another island church collects empty shoe boxes donated by King’s Marine and patiently wraps them in beautiful Christmas wrap for those who love the process of shopping and packing on their own. Empty-wrapped boxes, who-to brochures, and suggestion lists are ready for pick up at the Presbyterian and Christ the King churches in mid-October. Team members at both churches spread the word about how to participate. In early November, large packing cartons are picked up off island. Each carton holds about twelve filled shoeboxes and after being packed begins to stack up in the Presbyterian church and become the first stage in the long journey to needy children in over 100 countries. Before Thanksgiving, the team at Friday Harbor Freight transports our ten or so cartons to His Place church in Burlington where they become a part of many more collected from around the area. Next stop is a large warehouse staffed by a team of local volunteers who make sure each box is proper and secure for long-distance shipping. At this time, a booklet is added called “The Greatest Gift,” explaining the life of Jesus and the Good News of the Gospel. Volunteers stop work every hour to pray for the recipient children. Our island community has been involved in Operation Christmas Child for over 25 years. Team members have changed and the pandemic initiated the need for bulk shopping and the idea of crafting which has continued to be a blessing. The Friday Harbor team gathered and sent 135 boxes this year.

Thank you for being a part of the team!

Mary Ray

San Juan Island