Hey ‘Blue’, thanks for job well done | Letters

I would like to thank all the men and women who have answered the call to umpire youth baseball and softball.

For the past six years I have been just one of many volunteers who have supported the youth program of Friday Harbor Baseball and Softball.

One of my roles was to coordinate the umpires for the boy’s Major, Minor and Junior programs. Now that my son is a moving from the Elementary School fields up to Hartman Field, I will hand this job off to another parent volunteer. But as I leave I would like to thank all the men and women who have answered the call to umpire youth baseball and softball.

If you know anything about the game of baseball or softball, you will know that the umpire is always wrong, blind in at least one eye and has no idea what they are doing.

But if you can view the game objectively for just a moment, you will see that these individuals come out to make play safe, fair and fun for our kids — while at the same time enduring the wrath of parents and coaches for little or no thanks and the occasional left over hot dog from the concession stand.

So on behalf of Friday Harbor Baseball and Softball I would like to extend our sincere appreciation to the following individuals for making quality youth baseball and softball possible in our community: Bill Cumming, John Cornell, Rob Cuomo, Steve Cutting, David Flaum, Marc Lampe, Garett Holmes, Phil Mayer, Dave Brown, Jeff Seitz, Mike Martin, Michele Melbourne, John Pachuta, Scott Rasmussen, Mike Herko and George Alexander — as well as the high school boys and girls who have taken a turn behind the plate or on the baselines.

I am sure I have overlooked someone in my list, and for that I apologize. Please know you are no less appreciated.

So, to all of you named or not — Thanks Blue. We could not have done it without you.

June Arnold / San Juan Island