Henderson for Fire Commissioner | Letter

My name is Jeanette Longan and I support Jerry Henderson for Fire Commissioner. Jerry has years of experience as a firefighter and understands the real challenges they face. He has decades of experience in managing for large organizations and doing what’s necessary to effect change without tearing an organization apart. You don’t need a medical license or a law degree to run a fire department. You need someone who has firefighter and fire department experience.

Jerry is a straight shooter; he does not have a hidden agenda and anyone that would question his integrity or commitment to the fire department hasn’t bothered getting to know him at all.

There is a reason Jerry Henderson was appointed as interim Fire Commissioner, so let’s vote to Retain him as Fire Commissioner. We owe it to our community to have someone in that position that has the knowledge, experience and integrity that he brings to the position.

Jeanette Logan,

San Juan Island