From Dan and Helen: ‘thank you, from our hearts to yours’ | Letters

Dan’s first words on coming round were, “Can we just start the show again?” and he has not wavered since, so, with the cardiologist’s approval already granted, not only will Twelfth Night go ahead as planned this summer, but we will be reprising “RED” in October.

To all the people who supported us after Dan’s dramatic “event,” in so many ways—from medical help to offering to drive, to providing food to mowing the grass, to writing checks, to just expressing your concern—a huge thank you from our hearts to yours.

How very lucky we are to live in this caring community.

You will be glad to hear that, three stents later, Dan is doing well, although we have another couple of weeks of heart monitoring just for safety.

Dan’s first words on coming round were, “Can we just start the show again?” and he has not wavered since, so, with the cardiologist’s approval already granted, not only will Twelfth Night go ahead as planned this summer, but we will be reprising “RED” in October.

This means that those of you who missed seeing it will have another chance. (Incidentally, it is not about communism, which apparently some people thought, but about the painter Mark Rothko!)

We had fabulous feedback and look forward to sharing this thrilling play with you again in the fall.

We are overwhelmed with gratitude and surrounded by love and support. Thank you all so very much.

Helen and Dan/Island Stage Left