Ferry suggestion | Letter

I, like most all “Islanders”, have been negatively affected by late or cancelled ferry boats. It seems that this is becoming the new normal. And that is after I have struggled to even get a reservation!

I have a suggestion for the WSF employee/management teams to try to improve crew and ferry riders’ experience and satisfaction:

Regarding the previously employed WSF workers who quit or were laid off due to Covid 19 and refusing to wear a mask while on duty, why not rehire the already trained laid-off workers at a negotiated wage package? These people are already experienced and it would save the WSF many dollars in training costs. Say, for example, meeting in the middle between starting wages and what rank each was making at the time of termination.

Certainly, we all are reliant on our WSF boats and crews for our Island way of life. Just think of being a delivery driver with long wait times in the ferry lines. Or the grocery stores and their customers (us) trying to deal with fully stocked food! Not to mention Emergency workers and patients needing medical help on the mainland.

Hopefully, the powers that be can come to some agreements soon and we can see some smooth sailing in the near future.

Kathy Wieck,

San Juan Island