Dynamite performance; turnout a shame | Letters

Not only did the actors NOT have their noses buried in their scripts, they had a large part of the dialogue memorized and truly brought their lines to life. It was a very good play that was excellently acted and directed. Now the BAD NEWS...

I went to the Community Theater last night (Feb. 12) to see what was my first ‘On Book’ play, where there are no sets, minimal lighting, and the actors read their lines from their scripts.

I didn’t know what to expect. Boy, was I surprised.

The play was ‘True West’ by Sam Shepard. Not only did the actors NOT have their noses buried in their scripts, they had a large part of the dialogue memorized and truly brought their lines to life.

It was a very good play that was excellently acted and directed.

Now the BAD NEWS! There was no more than 10 people in the audience. What an embarrassment!

These actors acted their hearts out, as if they were playing to a full house (which they deserved).

These are FREE presentations people! These artists worked long and hard to prepare this play.

We need to support them. Unfortunately ‘True West’ only ran for two nights. Let’s not miss the up and coming ‘On Book’ plays. You’ll be glad you did.

Rich Barker/San Juan Island