Debate over coal tainted by unfounded fears | Letters

Consider an academic study commissioned by the Washington State Farm Bureau that concludes many benefits in multiple areas from the construction and operation of the terminal, and not just agriculture.

With respect to all the articles, features and letters hyperventilating about the proposed coal terminal, might I point out that we have had a huge one next door to us at Tswassen, British Columbia for decades and there is no indication that the sky has fallen, or that anything has changed but for the better for locals.

A comparison of the Tswassen area to the Whatcom side reveals some obvious benefits of a strong tax base and stable, well-paying jobs.

Consider an academic study commissioned by the Washington State Farm Bureau that concludes many benefits in multiple areas from the construction and operation of the terminal, and not just agriculture.

The conclusions are for greater and more efficient export/import infrastructure for all kinds of trade, with many of the economic benefits most likely underestimated, even by SSA’s own analysis.

Many can and should comment on the proposed terminal, keeping in mind the author of the study’s admonition that arguments be presented on a scientific basis rather than emotion and fear.

Joe Davis/Orcas Island