Big belly flop by Ferries in customer service | Letters

I came to Friday Harbor on business; but as a result of the experience, my chances of ever returning for a pleasure trip, to spend money on the ferry and the local economy, is near zero.

I am an out-of-town business traveler, unfamiliar with the ferry service.

On each of three ferry trips during the week of Oct. 28, the ticket clerk and/or the person directing vehicles into waiting lanes, was unacceptably impolite and impatient, with this paying customer.

I was clearly bothering them with my few simple questions (or by following the instruction on the posted signs), and keeping them from having their paid time to themselves, or gossiping with their friends standing nearby.

Clearly, all of these individuals wish they could be unemployed, and I must say, I sincerely share that wish.

I came to Friday Harbor on business; but as a result of the experience, my chances of ever returning for a pleasure trip, to spend money on the ferry and the local economy, is near zero.

Frank Mercer/Vancouver, Wash.

—Editor’s note: the letter above is an excerpt of a lengthier letter sent by Mr. Mercer to Washington State Ferries.