And y’all thought getting caught behind a school bus was bad

I’m wholeheartedly in favor of County Councilman Bob Myhr's thoughts on reducing the speed limits in the county. There truly is absolutely nowhere we have to go in a hurry. We're already here. Personally, I cannot wait for that moment when we can only drive 35 mph, just ahead of the 25 mph NEVs.

I’m wholeheartedly in favor of County Councilman Bob Myhr’s thoughts on reducing the speed limits in the county. There truly is absolutely nowhere we have to go in a hurry. We’re already here.

Personally, I cannot wait for that moment when we can only drive 35 mph, just ahead of the 25 mph NEVs. Since my sports car now travels the county roads comfortably in second gear (it has five speeds) I will now be able to just cover the beast up in the garage. By the way, I’ll be driving a horse and buggy to town and back each day, which needs no such permissions and will also cut down on my weed-eating chores.

And y’all thought getting caught behind a school bus was bad … just wait! Or you might wish to call your local politician.

Peter DeLorenzi
San Juan Island