Against immigration initiative | Letters

Please vote no on initiative measure 2017-7. The U.S. is a country of laws, and as citizens, we should follow all the laws; local, state and federal. Federal Statute 18 USC P. 1071 makes it illegal to harbor or provide sanctuary to illegal immigrant criminals and violators of federal law. This includes any person for whose arrest a warrant or process has been issued under the provisions of any law of the United States. Living on the U.S. border, we must cooperate with federal officials in the legal detainment and arrest of illegal immigrants.

Just because we may be acquainted with such persons and wish them well does not justify harboring or providing sanctuary to such persons. This applies to we as citizens and the county officials.

This initiative throws every roadblock possible, to the cooperation of county officials and employees with ICE and CBP. It restates many of the current laws regarding arrests, bookings, and detainment and is unnecessary in this regard.

Further, it attempts to avoid transferring any individual to another jurisdiction which may not have the same provisions as proposed in this initiative.

San Juan County and 17 other Washington counties are already considered “sanctuary” counties by the federal authorities. Our county authorities have already established questionable policies and procedures which increase the difficulty for ICE and CBP to do their jobs. We do not need to further complicate the illegal immigrant problem.

County council, citizens: Vote NO on Initiative Measure 2017-7.

Barry Cave

Friday Harbor