Congrats on centennial- Letter

The San Juan County Council congratulates the National Park Service on its Aug. 25 centennial anniversary. We who live in the San Juan Islands are fortunate to have had a National Historic Landmark site designated in 1961, which commemorates and preserves the history of our founding.

The San Juan County Council congratulates the National Park Service on its Aug. 25 centennial anniversary. We who live in the San Juan Islands are fortunate to have had a National Historic Landmark site designated in 1961, which commemorates and preserves the history of our founding.

We recognize the National Park Service’s dedication to the stewardship of our islands’ natural, cultural and historic resources. And, as members of the Historic Landmark community, we express our sincere thanks for your tireless efforts to make our parks a beautiful and accessible destination for residents and visitors alike.

No one can turn at the path by the laundress’ cabin at American Camp and catch the first sight of the golden grasses and blue sea against the backdrop of the Olympic peaks without feeling a small rush of elation. Likewise, a few moments spent in the herb garden at English Camp brings a sense of what life might have been like for the British Royal Marines who established a garrison there so long ago in 1859.

Thank you for your commitment to our treasured landmarks and Happy 100th!

County Council

San Juan County, Washington