Gov. Jay Inslee tours Kaleetan on way to Lopez Island

Submitted by the Washington State Ferries

While traveling from Anacortes to Lopez Island, Gov. Jay Inslee talked to some of our employees aboard Kaleetan on Tuesday. State Rep. Alex Ramel, whose legislative district includes the San Juan Islands, Deputy Assistant Secretary Nicole McIntosh and Director of Operations Steve Nevey accompanied him around the boat as crewmembers explained what it takes to become a licensed deck officer. Gov. Inslee then met the crew in the engine room, who led him on a tour below deck and showed him how a telegraph is used to communicate a change in speed or direction from the wheelhouse to the engine room.

Work to ward electrify ferry system was the focus of a recent public meeting with Gov. Jay Inslee. WSDOT Deputy Secretary Amy Scarton gave an overview of our efforts and System Electrification Program Administrator Matt von Ruden outlined the progress and initiatives. Oiler Devon Baxter was also on hand for a crewmember’s perspective. The Washington State Department of Commerce’s maritime industry sector lead and the CEO of Glosten, a marine design and engineering firm, also participated by providing insight into innovations in decarbonizing ferry transport. Watch an online recording of the meeting, which was the latest in the governor’s Results Washington Public Performance Reviews.