Purchasing, selling and renovating: What’s next for County buildings and facilities?

Submitted by San Juan County

Over the last few years, the County has been exploring how to invest in the infrastructure needs of future generations. Aged buildings, dispersed offices and seismic deficiencies require creative solutions that support County operations and provide for community use.

During the 2025 Council Retreat, council members expressed a desire for additional facilities planning to lead efforts in prioritization of future projects, real estate transactions and renovations. As the County continues its planning efforts, it’s helpful to review significant updates from 2024 and anticipated projects for 2025.

Building and facility transactions in 2024

During 2024, the County took steps to protect the historic courthouse in Friday Harbor after a 2022 study deemed the building “structurally deficient.” The County sought grant funding from the state Legislature to secure this valuable piece of local history and perform necessary seismic upgrades. The County’s request was ranked 10th out of 14 applications from other municipalities, with funding allocated to the first nine. During the Jan. 21 Council meeting, Council signed a letter of encouragement to the Legislature asking to extend the WA State Historic Courthouse Preservation Grant funding to San Juan County’s courthouse.

The County purchased and sold multiple properties in 2024 in an effort to plan for staffing needs on various islands, including:

The organization purchased a building in Friday Harbor (the former Banner Bank building on Park Street) to serve as office space for various departments. It is in the planning process for minor renovations in preparation to house staff.

The County sold its 49% share of the Orcas Island Senior Center to facilitate the nonprofit’s growth. The County was pleased to support the nonprofit in realizing its long-term goal of owning the building and renovating it to better suit its needs.

Primarily funded by the sale of the County’s portion of the senior center building, the County purchased a building on Fern Street in Eastsound. The approximately 3,000-square-foot office building will host County staff formerly located at the Senior Center building including members of the Auditor’s Office, Health and Community Services and Noxious Weeds. The County council member for District 2 will also have an office in the Fern Street building.

Public Works purchased approximately 16 acres along Neck Point Road to support operations on Shaw Island. The department has needs for outdoor material storage and disposal, such as dirt and gravel, as well as maintenance facilities for staff, including running water and a restroom that staff don’t currently have access to.

Building and facility projects for 2025

Looking ahead, the County anticipates continuing to seek funding for historic courthouse updates, focusing on deferred maintenance projects, and moving staff into recently acquired buildings. Deferred maintenance projects at the Legislative Building, Courthouse and Annex (where DCD and HCS are housed) include minor safety updates and adjustments to clinic space.

Perhaps most notably, the County will continue to plan for staff to occupy newly acquired buildings. The organization plans to update the floorplans of both the Fern Street building on Orcas and the Park Street Building on San Juan Island to accommodate County staff from various departments and to consolidate operations where possible.

Planning efforts over time

This is not the first Council to explore updates to County infrastructure. Facility upgrades have been discussed for decades with planning efforts in the 1980s, ’90s and 2000s. In 2018, the County led a 10-month effort to develop a master plan for a new County administration building in Friday Harbor. This effort included programming, community outreach, two initial site alternatives and a final preferred option selected for further development. Planning efforts reengaged in both 2021 and 2023 as the County assessed the impacts of COVID on community needs, department feedback and realistic timelines.

Now, the current San Juan County Council is interested in developing a needs assessment for County facilities to lead prioritization of future projects, real estate transactions and renovations. Further facility discussions are anticipated in the coming months.