Wolf Hollow concerns | Letter

This is an open letter to the Board of Directors of Wolf Hollow Wildlife Rehabilitation Center. Dear Members of the Board: From 2002 until the summer of 2024 I volunteered weekly at Wolf Hollow and came to appreciate the value of the mission of the Center for the local community. Therefore, I view the recent series of events that have transpired there with alarm. Recently, two licensed rehabilitators have been let go for reasons unknown. One of them was a very experienced rehabilitator who had worked at Wolf Hollow for many years and had led a staff of skilled and motivated people with the highest standards of treatment and care of wildlife. Consequently, a third licensed rehabilitator left Wolf Hollow to seek employment elsewhere. Subsequently, Trespass Warning Letters were issued to the fired and recently retired staff members presumably based on some vague perception of threat. Currently, pending future hires of licensed rehabilitators no one at Wolf Hollow is qualified to rehabilitate wildlife, and Wolf Hollow must act as a pass-through entity only. All injured wildlife brought to the Center must be transported for rehabilitation to a facility on the mainland staffed with licensed rehabilitators. It is not my place to suggest how the Board should deal with this exigency except that for a non-profit organization mainly dependent on financial support from the general public complete openness is paramount. Those of us concerned about the future of the mission of Wolf Hollow await from the Board a thorough discussion of the steps and timeline proposed for the rectification of the present condition there.

Charles O’Clair Ph.D.,

San Juan Island