Powers of play with Special Pal Program | Letter

The P.I.P. program, or Special Pal Program, at Friday Harbor Elementary School works with K-3 students.

The students in the program come once a week to the “playroom” where they have the opportunity to play out any worries or feeling they have. An accepting relationship with a special pal during tough times or times of transition can provide the encouragement children need to discover their strengths, learn self-control and also learn how to make appropriate and responsible choices.

The P.I.P. program is vital to the health of our elementary school children. The United Way of San Juan County helps to support this important program. Without the assistance of United Way and the community, this program would not be possible.

Thank you, United Way of San Juan County, for the continued support of a program that has such a positive impact on our young population.

Summer Clark

San Juan Island