Saturday’s rainy skies toyed with the entire field, but it didn’t matter a whit to the San Juan/ Lopez duo of John Bird and Fred Weedon, who both shot 5-under their handicaps Sunday and walked away with the annual Member/Guest Tournament title at San Juan Golf and Country Club.
The 2008 San Juan Island Yacht Club-sponsored Shaw Island Classic started exactly at 1200 Saturday, 9 August, with 61 racers.
This column is a continuation of a series on a Columbia River cruise.
Skyhawks is the largest provider of youth sports programs in the country. Each program focuses on the development of individual sports skills in a safe, positive and encouraging environment.
Another title. Another trophy. Another championship T-shirt.
Can anyone out there dethrone Island Towing?
The A Division powerhouse rebounded from an early-season loss and tallied five consecutive victories to claim its fourth-straight crown in the upper division of the Island Rec Co-ed Softball League.
The 2008 Summer Salmon Derby, hosted by the Puget Sound Anglers San Juan Islands Chapter and sponsored by Haley’s Bait Shop & Grill, is modeled after the Frank Wilson Memorial Blackmouth Derby.
BOWLINGTuesday Summer Match PointJuly 15 (week 8 of 11) First: Shake & Bake 60.4Second: Harbor Gallery 55.4Third: Left Outs 51.7Fourth:…
By Katie SchmidtSpecial to The Journal You know it’s summer when Island Rec sailing classes hit the water on Percich…
Local duo Phil McKee and Ron Bates had little trouble at the annual Two-Man Best Ball Tournament at San Juan Golf and Country Club, shooting 65 on Saturday and a 69 on Sunday to capture the gross division.
Sand to Sand. John Bailey left us in Astoria, returning to Seattle by train while the remaining crew — daughter Carol, Peg and I — toured the city.
Astoria is most interesting: must do is the museum with graphic pictures and stories of the Bar, the Columbia Lightship, the climb up Coxcomb Hill and the Astor Tower with its overview of the area.
Sea to Sand. That’s what it’s like cruising up the Columbia River.
The Northwest Washington American Institute of Architects annual Golf Tournament benefits the NWAIA Scholarship Endowment Fund.
Bragging rights and more will be on the line when the Friday Harbor Baseball Boosters Club hosts its first Wolverine alumni game and fund-raiser July 26 at Hartman Field. Game time is TBD.