Since the war for independence from Great Britain 232 years ago, almost 1.5 million Americans have died in wars and skirmishes: the American Revolution, War of 1812, Mexican War, Civil War, Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Persian Gulf War, Iraq War.
Make sure your Friday evening is free so you can come to a gala of local musical entertainment, poetry, improv and maybe even a clarinet solo Friday beginning at 7 p.m. in the Grange Hall.
Love of country compels me to write.
We enter the sixth year since the United States, under the presidency of George W. Bush and with the majority support of Congress (Washington’s Patty Murray and Rick Larsen excepted), launched an unprovoked, preemptive and illegal attack upon the independent nation of Iraq. The justification for the invasion given by President Bush and other administration officials was that Iraq possessed and was developing weapons of mass destruction, although the international weapons inspectors in Iraq had no evidence to support this assertion.
From the “Oh, That Explains It” Department: So, you’re paying more at the pump — as of Friday at The Big Store, regular cost $4.27 a gallon, plus cost $4.39, premium cost $4.49, diesel cost $5.08.
So-called exempt wells could potentially run our rivers dry. Our rivers are connected to the ground waters and what affects one affects the other.
We have to search for words that appropriately express our gratitude to the donors who have given so much to help our local schools through this financial crisis. As of Friday, six donors had given $285,000 to help make up some of the school district’s projected budget shortfall, and islanders contacted by phone in Thursday’s phone-a-thon had pledged $55,000 more.
The new and improved launched on April 30.