Town business license program

Submitted by the Town of Friday Harbor

Submitted by the Town of Friday Harbor

Whether you are a new business or one receiving a notice in March that it is time to renew, you should be aware of changes to Friday Harbor Municipal Code, Chapter 5.04. The Town amended its Business Licensing Program by passage of Ordinance No. 1563 on June 4, 2015 and Ordinance No. 1590 on February 4, 2016. The town recommends that you review FHMC Chapter 5.04 for complete amendments.

Temporary Business Licenses are available. The town amended FHMC to create temporary business licenses for flexibility under the current program for temporary activities. Activities are intended to include types such as artisan fairs, farmer’s markets, events, vending and other specialty contracting. People engaged in business within the town may obtain a license valid for a period of 30 days. Regulations of the program will apply to annual and temporary licenses. The fee for a temporary license is $15.

The business license year, or the time period that a business license is active, was amended to run from April 1 to March 31. A complete application is required before the planned date of your opening. Renewals for existing business are due by the expiration of your current license on March 31. You will become unlicensed if the renewal fee is not paid prior to expiration.

Renewal notices will be mailed to existing businesses the week of March 1, 2016. Businesses known to be operating in Town which fail to renew their license in a timely fashion will not receive a second notice stating that they are unlicensed.

Operating without a license. All businesses operating without a license are committing a civil infraction and may be fined as provided by FHMC Chapter 1.18. Town has approved a 30-day grace period for renewals because of this transition. Infractions may be issued to those operating after May 1, 2016.

Engaging in business includes activities occurring “over-the water” or “staged” within the public right-of-way. Conducting business has always included activities such as staging or picking up participants for tours or other activities that may also occur outside Town limits. Therefore, Town expanded the definitions of the Business License Program to clarify that:

“Over-the-water” means engaging in business or staging for business over the water under the jurisdiction of the Town as defined in Chapter 19.04 FHMC. (ie: the Port of Friday Harbor or other private marinas)

“Staging” means business or the process of activity planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling business resources in Town. (ie: motorized, bicycle, whale watching, kayaking, fishing charter, zip-line or other tours, that several participants are collected or organized in locations such as side-streets or parking lots.)

For additional information regarding the Town Business License Program, contact the Town Clerk at 360.378.2810 or refer to FHMC Chapter 5.04 available at

Tucker Avenue revitalization project to begin in May

Drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians who use Tucker Avenue will enjoy a safer and better quality roadway by mid-summer. The Town of Friday Harbor is scheduled to begin major improvements on Phase One of this project, starting around May 1st, which will include an upgrade of utility lines, road resurfacing, and the addition of bike lanes and sidewalks from Guard Street to Harbor Street. This project will improve utility service in the area, significantly upgrade the roadway surface, and enhance pedestrian and bicycle safety on this heavily trafficked road.

In 2017 the Town will complete Phase Two of the project which will improve Tucker Avenue from Harbor Street to University Road.

The Town has mailed notices to property owners in the area with a request that landlords forward the information to their renters and property managers. The Town wants to ensure all those directly affected by the project have received notice of the construction. Contractors are being asked to expedite the project with as little traffic disruption as possible; however road closures and detours will be unavoidable. The public is asked to exercise patience and to make every effort to be respectful of neighborhood residents when using detours in the area. Info will be posted under “What’s New” at