Submitted by The Whale Museum
Come join The Whale Museum’s Global Orca Workshop virtually through Zoom! The dates are Tuesday, Aug. 27 from 1 – 8 p.m. and Wednesday, Aug. 28 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This workshop’s theme will be: Understanding orca eco-types around the world; Who are they and what are they facing in today’s changing ocean environments?Fee is $70 for non-members; $50 for current TWM or SSAMN members. Questions: Tracie Merrill at
Invited Presenters include: Dr. Jeremy Kiszka, Principal Investigator, Marine Conservation Ecology Lab, FIU on Orcas of the Tropics. Dr. Holly Fearnbach, Marine Mammal Research Director, SR3 on Antarctic Killer Whales. Dr. Anaïs Remili, Postdoctoral researcher, McGill University on North Atlantic Killer Whales. Candice K. Emmons, Research Fisheries Biologist, NOAA on PNW and Alaskan Residents and Offshore Orcas. Dr. Ingrid Visser, Founder & Principal Scientist, Orca Research Trust on New Zealand’s Killer Whales, and many more.