Submitted by Leadership San Juan Islands
There are 18 new graduates of Leadership San Juan Islands’ five-month professional development course.
Program Director Jennifer Rice and Board Chair Jim Hooper presided over the graduation exercise and potluck for well-wishers on May 5.
Dr. Danna Diaz, superintendent of the San Juan Island School District and LSJI 2016 alumnus, delivered the commencement address. Board members Liz Illg, Gretchen Krampf, Steve Hushebeck, founder Jim Skoog, and many alumni, family members and friends shared in the festivities.
Major support for this year’s program came from Harrison House Suites and the Town of Friday Harbor on San Juan Island, Emmanuel Episcopal Church and Smugglers Villa on Orcas Island, and on Lopez Island, Sunnyfield Farms and Lopez Islander Resort. Sponsors included San Juan Island Library, San Juan County Economic Development Council, Canoe Island French Camp, North Beach Inn, Safe San Juans, OPALCO, Blossom Grocery, Skagit Valley College, San Juan Islands Visitor Bureau, and Alumni Gregory Maynard, Gretchen Krampf, Paul King, Danna Diaz, and Bill Watson.
Leadership San Juan Islands began in 2004 as a collaborative effort between the San Juan County Economic Development Council, Skagit Valley College and United Way of San Juan County. Since then the 185 graduates have collaborated to present the annual class.
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