Unlabeled opinion dangerous | Letter

The April 8 Journal article entitled, “A COVID-19 Update” by Mara Williams ANP reads more like a promotional piece for a naturopathic conglomerate in Woodinville, Williams starts her article by referring to Dietrich Klinghardt, MD as an internationally renowned physician, and includes just enough facts about COVID-19 to lend an air of scientific credibility to the article. She then goes on to cite erroneous claims and dangerous statements about drugs and homeopathic remedies.

Your editor’s note states that hydroxychloroquine has not been medically proven to be effective against the virus. But, the article failed to note that hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin can cause lethal arrhythmias, especially in COVID vulnerable patients.

Your failure to label this article as an opinion piece is irresponsible and potentially dangerous to your readers.

Loren Johnson, MD

San Juan Island