This library expansion is long overdue | Letter

First and foremost, I wish to thank and applaud the board, administration and volunteers of the San Juan Island Library. Through our 30-odd years in Friday Harbor, I have often marveled At the efficiency of such a small island library. I was born in New York where there is a library In every neighborhood. The SJ Island Library is second to none!

We are living in a time where libraries are more important than ever, as misinformation and disinformation spread, people are relying on corrupt sources of information to formulate their opinions as informed Americans. Benjamin Franklin envisioned such institutions for the public good. Today many would call him a socialist!

Education is everything. It separates us from the great apes. This library expansion is long overdue. If it cost twice as much as proposed, I would still vote for it! And you should too. We should give our hard-earned tax dollars to something that benefits everyone for a change. Otherwise, after a few spin cycles, this money will wind up in someone’s offshore tax haven, like everything else.

Michael P Herko

San Juan Island