Thank you from the Home Trust|Letter

Thank you, San Juan Island Community Foundation! Your matching grant opportunity at the fair was a real boon to the San Juan Community Home Trust as we get going on our next project on Price Street in Friday Harbor. The $10,850 raised greatly helps fund the initial phase of the development – that of planning. Our permanently affordable homes are critical to the health of our island community. As we wrap up our third neighborhood, Sun Rise II, we must thoughtfully plan for our next neighborhood. This takes time and money and support from our fellow islanders. The Community Foundation match program and the enthusiasm from our donors helps us keep our focus on planning for the quality and sustainability of our homes, and on the population that we serve. Thank you for your support for a second year, and thank all of you who donated at the Community Foundation booth at the fair – for our effort and for those of the other organizations highlighted. From all of us on the board and staff of the San Juan Community Home Trust.

San Juan Community Home Trust

San Juan Island