Start thinking about ‘trashion’


I just returned from Maker Faire at the San Mateo Fairgrounds, May 4-5, a showcase of alternative projects, experiments, inventions and creations that were mind-boggling and very stimulating.

It was two full days of bicycle-powered live music, muffin cars and a huge maze-type contraption complete with a bowling ball navigating a claw-foot bathtub 10 feet in the air. I could go on and on, but you can “Google it.” The New York Times even has it online.

So what does this have to do with you … and with me? It jogged my thoughts toward our own San Juan County Fair and the Fairly Outrageous Spectacular Trashion Fashion Show. If your life is anything like mine, your days are zooming faster than fast … and you can’t believe it’s almost June. Projects you’d planned to have completed by now are still undone.

Here’s one that’s do-able! We’re in the planning stages for this year’s Fashion Show. We need you to start gathering those items you’ve eyed as outfit possibilities. Look at things differently … upside down and backward (perhaps) and start creating! If design isn’t your specialty but you have some ideas, suggestions or thoughts, share to make this show another “standing room-only event … even in the rain.” Please do let us hear from you. Community involvement is what it’s all about … and so are the brownies.

The e-mail contact is We need to hear from you before June 5 No, you don’t have to commit to enter by June 5, we’d just like any ideas or special interests you have.

Thank you very much!

Signups to model and enter will come out with the fair information later.

Francie Hansen, with Shelby Alan and Harriet Keces
Fairly Outrageous Spectacular Trashion Fashion Show
Friday Harbor