Empty claims by politically correct | Letters

The board of Common Sense Alliance is made up of talented people who are making a difference in our community.

Common Sense Alliance (CSA), a local non-profit organization, has recently been accused in the press of being “over-represented” on the Planning Commission because three out of nine commissioners serve on the Board of CSA.

The implication is that one’s free associations with people they choose may disqualify them from serving on purely advisory committees in San Juan County. The following is a response to this from CSA:

The board of Common Sense Alliance is made up of talented people who are making a difference in our community.

Over the years we have watched special interest groups like the Friends of the San Juans (FOSJ) control local politics and lobby for regulations that hurt people and take away the value of the land they worked hard for.

Notwithstanding the enormous amount of money that this special interest group has cost taxpayers and property owners with their never ending lawsuits and the influence that they exert over staff and legislators, there has never before been an outcry by the press or any local-interest blogger about the overwhelming influence of the FOSJ.

Likewise, there has never been a commotion over the affiliations of a minority of individuals on a committee or board, though many of our county advisory groups have been loaded with members of this group for years. If there were an award for stacking the deck, the FOSJ would be the winner.

CSA, with the help of our many supporters, feels it’s about time for a common sense approach to regulation. As part of our mission we consider it our duty to let the public and elected officials know how important it is to follow the laws that exist and are there for the protection of our community and to consider the social, economic, and environmental impacts of legislation and additional regulation on private property.

We feel it is about time we used common sense, and balance competing interests in drafting these ordinances.

The board members of Common Sense Alliance would like to thank the community for supporting our message and staying involved in the processes of updating the Critical Areas Ordinance and Shoreline Master Plan. Together we are making a difference.

We could use your continuing support by staying involved, informed, and contributing financially. Thank you.

Common Sense Alliance Board