A heartfelt thank you | Letter

Over the last few years, a dedicated team has organized and given the community and visitors impressive Artists’ Registry Shows at the San Juan Islands Museum of Art (SJIMA). Under their leadership, the annual show has grown in-depth and breadth and in the number of participating artists. They managed the challenges that COVID presented so “the show could go on.”

The SJIMA board and supporters offer a wholehearted “Thank You “for their dedication to this crowd-pleasing show, artists and SJIMA. The team members are Bill and Rudi Weissinger, Laura Long and David Harsh.

They are handing off the reins to the new committee members Terry Ogle, Teresa Smith, Lisa Lange and Jan Murphy. SJIMA welcomes the new team as we honor a debt of gratitude to the outgoing team.

The Board of Trustees of the SJIMA