Go to the CenturyTel office at 50 Second St. in Friday Harbor.
You can’t get in; it’s a business office, but not an office where public business is conducted. Need a phone directory? Help yourself — there’s a stack outside the door. Have a question about your bill? Call the number in the phone book and you’ll get someone in Louisiana, or maybe Gig Harbor.
Jan Kampbell, CenturyTel’s business account representative for San Juan County, wants to warmify CenturyTel’s relationship with islanders. She be in CenturyTel’s Friday Harbor office on May 29-30, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., to meet customers.
Depending on the response, Kampbell may do quarterly or monthly visits.
“Come in, have some coffee and we’ll look at your bill and see how you can save money,” Kampbell said. “The office will be open that day. Just walk in.”
There will be a drawing and a giveaway too.
“I hope this is something that becomes exciting for customers,” she said. “Our biggest complaint from customers on the islands is that they want a local representative. While this is a chance for me to meet our business customers, if a residential customer comes in, I’ll do my best to help them.”
In the meantime, Kampbell can be contacted at (800) 454-4810.