Temperament testing gives shelter staff a preliminary understanding of a dog’s disposition by observing its reactions to a person its never met.
Every third Thursday of the month, Lavendera offers a free “Community Wellness Night,” where you can sample their many services. Chair massage, Thai massage, and Reiki are popular forms of healing offered.
As a project to raise awareness, the rain garden at the intersection of First and Spring streets has been a success. As a pollution filtration system to be applied on a larger scale? Not so much.
The smells from large batches of homemade food wafts beyond the high school grounds.
After seven years owners Ron Bates and Sandy Montana shut the doors on their storefront located above the ferry terminal on A Street.
Directed by Merritt and starring strictly high school students, the FHHS drama group presents “The Secret Case of Sherlock Holmes,” a contemporary take on the classic tales of literature’s most famous detective. The curtain opens Jan. 15 at San Juan Community Theatre, 7:30 p.m.
The calf appeared to be healthy and energetic, swimming alongside its presumed mother. However, researchers immediately recognized some peculiarity surrounding its birth.
Seasonal affective disorder, or seasonal depression, is a real thing. King County reports that four to six people out of 100 experience the disorder prevalently, while 10 to 20 percent of people experience milder forms of the winter blues.
As part of the three-year “Great Salish Sea Tour,” Lyons returns to Friday Harbor to play a free show at the library, Jan. 3. The Bellingham-based songwriter talks about the tour and upcoming performance in a Q & A, below…
Unusual behavior of calf and signs of complicated birth cause researchers to question identity of the newborn’s mother.
The Audubon Society’s annual Christmas Bird Count runs Dec. 14 to Jan. 5, and it delegates some of the counting responsibility to local chapters. The San Juan chapter’s count takes flight, Saturday, Jan. 3.
An uphill battle is precisely what the Legion found it had on its hands when it sought permission from the Town of Friday Harbor to paint a mural on the scruffy retaining wall below the back deck of its First Street building.
In addition to lack of prey and pollution, disturbance by vessels is one of the three primary threats the beleaguered population faces in its struggle to survive, according to the Fisheries Service.