Two Orcas Island ballot measures need opponents

Submitted by the San Juan County Auditor’s Office

Two local taxing districts have submitted resolutions to the San Juan County Auditor to place measures on the February 2017 ballot. The Orcas Island School District is proposing a general obligation bond in the amount of $8,000,000 for the purpose of renovating or replacing existing buildings and constructing new facilities for the district. The San Juan County Fire Protection District #2 (Orcas Island) is proposing to increase the number of commissioners on its board from three to five.

To ensure an informed electorate, it is the responsibility of each district to appoint committees to write arguments for and against its measures. If a district is unable to appoint committees, that responsibility falls to the County Auditor.

Both the Orcas Island School District and the Orcas Fire District have so far been unable to find writers of arguments against their measures. For that reason, County Auditor Milene Henley is seeking people interested in writing arguments opposing either measure.

Up to three people (per measure) may be named as argument writers, though they may seek the assistance of as many people as needed. Statements are limited to 250 words.

For copies of the resolutions placing the measures on the ballot, please contact Elections Administrator Doris Schaller at or 378-3356. Contact the Auditor at or 370-7558, if you are interested in writing an argument against either proposal.