Weigh in on the possibility of a local co-working space

Submitted by Friday Harbor Hive

Tired of working in the same place where you spend non-working hours? Or perhaps there are not enough outlets at the coffee shop? A co-working space may be for you.

Friday Harbor Hive wants to hear from islanders about a potential new coworking space. Complete a survey at www.surveymonkey.com/r/2PPT92Y, then attend a co-working networking event on Thursday, Nov. 30, from 5-7 p.m. at Mike’s Wine Bar.

A co-working space is a shared work environment where people can work, meet, network, share ideas, and collaborate on projects. These spaces bring together entrepreneurs, business professionals, and mentors from different industries, businesses and areas of expertise. They are perfect for independent contractors, entrepreneurs, those who work from home, or people who need an office while traveling. Amenities include quiet desks, high-speed Wi-Fi and help to find inspiration in a creative and contemporary environment. It’s a place for local talent to showcase their skills so that local businesses know what is available.

For information, contact kathy@fridayharborhive.com or facebook.com/FridayHarborHive.