Orientation for new San Juan Community Home Trust Board members

Submitted by the San Juan Community Home Trust

The San Juan Community Home Trust held an orientation on Saturday, Jan. 20 for new members of its board of directors. It was the second year the home trust has held the get together, which familiarizes recently elected board members with their legal responsibilities under Washington law, as well as the home trust’s programs, finances, neighborhoods, fundraising, and history.

The orientation was held at the home of board member Gay Graham. The proceedings were led by board President Sarah Crosby, with presentations given by board members Chary Caren, Chris Pope, Marilyn Gresseth, and Bob Kleven on (respectively) fundraising, the Kwan Lamah Large Onsite Sewage System, organization finances, and features of the Home Trust neighborhoods. New board members in attendance were Marilyn Gresseth, Faim Melic, AJ Tokunaga, Karen Vedder, and Chris Pope. Pope previously served on the home trust board from 2002 to 2006.

Founded in 2001, the San Juan Community Home Trust was created by San Juan Island activists for the purpose of creating permanently affordable housing for low- and moderate-income residents — promoting economic diversity and development, and supporting a sustainable island community while practicing responsible stewardship of the rural environment. In the years since, the home trust has built the Salal and Sun Rise I neighborhoods and is currently working to complete Sun Rise II.