Friday Harbor Grange 225 features spring talent competition

Submitted by the Friday Harbor Grange 225

Do you have a talent you want to practice in public, and maybe win a prize? Friday Harbor Grange 225 and Community Treasures are sponsoring a talent contest at the Friday Harbor Middle School on April 5 at 6:30 pm.

There are three categories: vocal, instrumental and variety. The latter includes “novelty” acts using skill, timing, gracefulness and dexterity of body movement, such as dancing, skits, monologs, reading and comedy.

Entry forms must be turned in at Community Treasures or sent via email to by April 3.

Prizes for division one (ages 8-12) are small gifts and certificates. Prizes for division two (ages 13-98) prizes are $250 for first place; $100 for second place; $50 for third place; and $25 for fourth place. Division two winners have an opportunity to move on to state and national competitions.

This contest is open to all ages and anyone who wants to have a good time and share or practice his or her talent.


• Taped accompaniment for vocal acts may include background voices, but it must be background voices only. No voices are allowed on taped accompaniment for instrumental acts.

8 All costumes should be considered appropriate for the type of act being presented.

• There is a one-minute minimum time limit. The maximum time limit is six minutes. Two points per minute, or portion thereof, will be deducted from the total points for performances going over time.

• In acts consisting of more than one performer, all performers must submit an entry form, and no substitutions may be made at the contest. The act may be performed with fewer participants, but may not add or replace. Accompanists are not judged; therefore, accompanists may change.

• Any contestant displaying inappropriate behavior before or during the contests may be disqualified.

Score Card

Stage presence 15 percent; appropriateness of dress or costume 5 percent; preparation and skill of presentation 60 percent; suitability of number 15 percent; and audience appeal 5 percent.