Homes needed | Letter

Affordable housing is a huge issue in our islands which needs to be addressed. What many voters don’t know is that there are some neighbors who highly resent folks who strive to live in a home they can afford, who work to realize the American dream.

Never mind the fact that many of these islanders living in homes from the San Juan Community Home Trust or Homes for Islanders are our teachers, EMTs, business owners, wait staff, mechanics, hairdressers, etc. These are the people making these islands a community.

Believe it or not, those who grumble resent the fact that someone is finally able to purchase a new car to replace the one that barely starts to enable them to the one, two or three jobs they hold. That is, new to the buyer, but clearly, not one that just came off the showroom floor. Clothes or toys for their kids? Unless these are purchased at thrift shops or garage sales, what are “those people” doing? Isn’t having WIC, welfare or the food bank enough? A home of their own? What’s wrong with renting? Rats in your house? If your landlord doesn’t buy traps or seal your home, what’s wrong with you for not buying these traps? You live in a trailer that doesn’t leak but has no toilet? What’s wrong with the “honeypot” just outside your door? A family vacation? This has to be out of the question.

Disturbing, aren’t these? But lest you think I exaggerate, I have heard these questions posed or shared with me. I have heard those relate the negative remarks they have overheard or been told directly to them about how they should just stay where they are. That their “financial status is under scrutiny.”

Gay Graham

Friday Harbor