Foster resilience | Letter

As summer begins, many islanders begin to feel the pressure and stress of increased traffic, congestion and trying to balance long work hours with family life. Here at the Joyce L. Sobel Family Resource Center, the main thing on our minds is resilience — and how to promote it throughout our community. Why resilience? Sooner or later, every one of us faces stress or hardship, whether it’s family challenges, health problems, or financial strain. The experience of confronting hardship throughout life is something we all share, no matter what our backgrounds. And the ability to summon up resilience and work through problems to get back on track is what can make the difference between chronic crisis and a happy, productive life.

I can’t think of an organization that better embodies the idea of resilience than United Way of San Juan County. Each year, United Way directly funds so many of the key programs and services in our community that foster safety, health, learning and human connections… all things that foster resilience! From preschool playgroups to parenting classes and home visits for vulnerable, homebound seniors, United Way recognizes that our community is only as healthy and vital as its individual members. The people who come through our doors at the family resource center are motivated to raise happy families, live healthy, independent lives and contribute to their community. United Way’s ongoing support is a key piece of our ability to help islanders from all walks of life make that happen.

Jennifer Armstrong

Director, Joyce L. Sobel Family Resource Center