Community Foundation thanks | Letter

Island Stage Left is delighted to be the recipient of a $5,000 San Juan Community Foundation grant to buy a small cargo trailer and update audio equipment. This brings joy to our volunteers and crew by effectively halving the work we have to do loading, unloading and storing audience risers, lights and sound equipment between locations.

Up until now we’d been dependent on a motley armada of volunteered cars and pick-ups for transport, and using our rehearsal space for storage.

This grant will ensure safe, proper storage and transport for the things we need to set up for each show, and quite possibly increase the lifespan of our both our equipment and the volunteers!

We are grateful to the foundation from the bottom of our hearts and our aching backs for this wonderful gift. The total grant also includes funds to replace our 20-year-old audio system amplifier.

This past season the venerable old machine had begun to hum, squawk and complain about not being able to retire.

A debt of gratitude to all those who made this possible. Thank you all so very much!

Helen Machine-Smith

Island Stage Left director and co-founder

San Juan Island