Changes under way at Weissinger law firm

After 25 years in practice on San Juan Island, Bill Weissinger will be selling the law firm to longtime associate attorney Mimi Wagner, effective this summer. Attorney Jamie Grifo recently joined the firm, as an associate, as well.

The Friday Harbor law offices of William J. Weissinger is growing and in transition, and changing hands as well.

After 25 years in practice on San Juan Island, Bill Weissinger will be selling the law firm to longtime associate attorney Mimi Wagner, effective this summer. Wagner has been a licensed attorney for 15 years, initially in Colorado before taking the Washington state bar examination and returning to her hometown, where she has worked with Weissinger for 10 years.

Weissinger will remain available to provide legal services and assist clients as “of counsel” on a part-time basis, as of this summer. Rudi Ann Weissinger will be retiring from her role as office manager and legal assistant this summer, and the firm will be joined by a new legal assistant.

Attorney James (Jamie) Grifo joined the firm April 1, as an associate. Grifo has been on San Juan for nearly three years and his addition to the firm offers greater availability for client projects, as well as a range of experience and billing rates.

The firm will continue to provide assistance to clients throughout the San Juans and elsewhere in real estate matters, land-use disputes, estate planning, probate, and business law.

The firm is located at 425 Caines Street, Suite B, in Friday Harbor. Clients will receive written notice about the sale and the changes in store at a later date. For more information, visit, or call (360) 378-6234.